
The Final Pardon

 A Journey of Self-love and Forgiveness for Ex-offenders:

This program serves individuals who have turned their lives around after being in trouble with the law and are now seeking a pardon. It's for those who have been involved with the criminal justice system and have paid their debt to society and continue to struggle with self-judgment, guilt, shame and embarrassment despite their best efforts to rehabilitate themselves. The burden of these negative feelings puts them at high risk for recidivism and affects their ability to become contributing members of society. This unique online program provides Inner Work Coaches to help them discover the root causes of their criminal behavior and creates a door to permanent change by addressing the Invisible Challenge that cause their difficulties.
Next Online Class: Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30 

Coming in 2025
The ARK Project

 Protecting the Heart of the Underserved 
At-Risk Kids

IThe Comprehensive School Program

WWH Program

Which includes: 

Foster Care

Kids that slip through the cracks

12-17 year olds with incarcerated parents.

At-risk youth are the future of our world but when social inequities and the many stressors they face are coupled with their Invisible Challenges their chances of creating a life that is successful are decreased and put them at higher risk to become involved in the criminal justice system or the never-ending cycle of poverty.
ARK Project consist of two programs!

Our comprehensive 
takes a four-fold approach to providing an "ARK" to keep them afloat and navigate the waters of life. This ARK project provides:
1. Individual mentoring
2.Training of inner work mentors to continues the program
3. Support for staff and faculty to help them serve as allies to help them with their Invisible Challenges
4. Creation of peer groups of students who are dealing with their Invisible Challenge to support other students.

The WWH Program

 Protecting the Heart of Youth with Incarcerated Parents

Children of incarcerated parents have a 6 times greater risk of becoming offenders themselves if they do not receive adequate support. Our unique WWH Program for Youth ages 12-17 addresses three vital issues to decrease this risk. 

What Affects Me When My Parent Is In Prison?
Why Did This Happen To My Family?
How Can I Make My Life Easier While My Parent Is in Prison?

Our program addresses the Invisible Challenges that arise because their world has been turned upside down, helps them to understand why this happened to their family, and provides mentoring and concepts to help them navigate this most difficult time. Activities are designed to allow for self-expression through writing and/or drawing exercises.

Our Programs For 2025...

Young Adults with Invisible Challenges
Are you someone who struggling with Moving on After HS/College/Career

A program assisting individuals of the neuro-diversity community, which includes but not limited to, people whose brains function differently than is considered standard or typical. 

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